Our last day in Iceland was finally upon us! The past three days were amazing and now the last day had also arrived! However we still had two activities before heading back home to England. Again we grabbed some breakfast and made some lunch for our day a head and then we were off, enjoying our last day in the stunning Iceland!
Reykjavik! |
Our mini group! |
Our first activity was a wonder around Reykjavik which is the capital and is the biggest city in Iceland. Reykjavik was full of character with unique little shops for everyone to enjoy. We only spent an hour looking in the shops and buying some souvenirs to take back home with us. Me, Elly, Lucy and Lizzie bought t-shirts whilst other bought postcards, chocolate and goods to take home. It was a nice relaxing hour just wondering around and it was quiet too because it was still the morning. We jumped back onto the coach with our bags of gifts and goods and we were off to our last stop before the airport.
The red ceiling of the cave! |
From the left: Lizzie, Elly, me and
Lucy in the cave! |
The last stop was in the middle of nowhere, the coach pulled up by the side of the road and we all got off. We were going lava cave tubing! Now that sounds quite scary however it didn't involve us crawling on all fours or army crawling through tiny gaps. It was simply a tunnel and a short walk through it until we reached a wide area underground to sit down. When everyone sat down we turned off their head lights and our eyes couldn't adjust to the darkness that surrounded us. All we could hear were the drips that were coming off the roof of the cave. As we walked back out of the cave I took a photo of the cave roof and suprisingly it was bright red. The time went by and me and Elly's laughter filled the cave as we did impressions of Golem from Lord of the rings. It was a great experience sitting in the darkness. It was certainly a great way to end this amazing trip. Before we knew it we were driving to the airport and then we were in the departure lounge waiting for our flight. The gate opened to board the plane and we were ready for take off. Me, Elly and Martha sat next to each other and we watched Hairspray together to keep our spirits up. We all had an amazing trip, it was unique and special in everyway. From the northern lights to standing behind a waterfall, all the trip was spectacular and a big thank you must go to Mr Simmons who organised this wonderfall trip to Iceland. We said goodbye to Iceland and the plane took off. We lefted nothing but footprints and all we took was amazing memories which will stay with us!
Iceland 2013! |
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